Start in time! Don't wait until the last moment to deal with anxiety.

Start in time! Don't wait until the last moment to deal with anxiety.

2 December 2024

Start early

It is important not to wait until the end of December to support your pet in case of anxiety. Animals that suffer from loud noises should receive support as early as the beginning of December. Anxiety builds up not only during December but year after year. A supplement based on calming herbs can bring peace. These herbs reduce the intensity with which the animal perceives irritants without making it drowsy. Instead, they provide inner peace and relaxation.

For example, Ginkgo biloba improves circulation and concentration, while Humulus lupulus has a strong relaxing and calming effect. These and other ingredients combined help the pet stay calmer. L-tryptophan is an amino acid that protects nerve tissue and helps stress tolerance. A supplement with these ingredients can be beneficial not only for animals frightened by fireworks but also for those that are generally sensitive to irritants. It often brings calm, allowing them to cope more easily with the world.

From mid-December

From December 15, fireworks start to increase, and with them, the fear in some animals. Once the calming herbs have started to work, you can add drops for support against the fear of loud noises. These drops work on a deeper level, giving the animal the necessary stimulus not to be afraid.

Ingredients such as Avena sativa, Chelidonium majus, and Humulus lupulus also bring peace and relaxation. Combining them with the herbal supplement strengthens their effect, and the results are quickly noticeable. Your pet will become calmer and will react much less to fireworks. These drops can also be used during a storm. Animals sense changes in atmospheric pressure faster than humans, and you can often tell by their behavior that something is coming. If they react anxiously, the drops can provide good support.

In the last days of the year

It is always advisable to start support in time to prevent stress. It’s better to avoid heightened sensitivity to stress than to try to reduce it. However, if necessary, and if your pet still suffers from loud sounds despite other products, you can provide additional support with calming drops in the last days of the year.

These drops act quickly and are most effective when the foundation has already been set with other herbal supplements. The products described above are also ideal for use with frightened horses.

What else can you do?

In the days before New Year’s, it’s important to adjust your dog’s walking route. Choose quiet places and avoid areas where many fireworks are set off. Instead, take a long walk in the forest, dunes, or on the beach. This will help both the animal and you relax.

Start early to teach your cat to use the litter box to keep it inside around New Year. If animals are outside during the big fireworks, there is a high chance they will run away out of fear and get lost. Make sure your pet is chipped or wears an ID tag so that it can be easily found if it runs away.

Provide enough activities for the animal on New Year’s Eve. This will reduce the impact of fireworks on them.

And finally

If your pet is afraid of fireworks, do not punish it or ignore it. Give it support if it needs it. Some animals retreat to a quiet place while everything passes – let them do that. Don’t impose unnecessary comfort and don’t be too insistent. Overindulging may reinforce the fear because you are confirming that it is justified. Instead, calmly and kindly reassure the animal: "There’s nothing to be afraid of, everything is okay."

Distraction and careful soothing often work better than over-comforting. You can play music that drowns out the sound of fireworks or play with your dog at home. A good option is also to give them a tasty bone.

Special stick for cats

For cats, there are sticks made from matatabi wood, which is related to kiwi. The dried branches have a special effect on cats. They play with them, chew them, or tear them apart. After playing with the sticks, cats often fall into a deep and peaceful sleep – exactly what we want on New Year’s Eve.